Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Update on members

Hi everyone

I just wanted to update you on the members of FForce.
So far we have got a total of 14 members.

The president is still Manning
Vice-President Reuben
Secretary Tim

We are hoping to get some new members this year.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Clubhouse


Sorry We haven't done a post in ages:/
At the moment there is a new Clubhouse under construction! It is underground, and is going to have security cameras and everything.

Here is the plans

Well you get the general idea...
So, there is going to be an underground section, and an above ground section. There is going to be a secret trapdoor (fully guarded) and lookout, with a pipe to communicate, and trapdoor for secret documents and stuff.
So far we are about 5ft down, and we are going to dig it about 7ft, so we've got a little way to dig:)

Anyway that's all for now, and hope to get some more post's in soon with updates on the clubhouse.


Tim (one of the authors)